CHS Web Design Track

6 Multimedia and Interactivity


  • Explain webpage multimedia and animation issues
  • Discuss adding and editing webpage audio and video elements
  • Describe types of webpage animation
  • Identify ways to effectively use interactive elements
Critical Thinking:

When is the use of multimedia content at a website particularly useful? When is it not appropriate?

Quick Quiz:
  1. All animated and multimedia elements are compatible with all browsers and devices. True or False? ____.
  2. Multimedia elements might not be ____ for visitors with disabilities.
Class Discussion:

How can audio or video content support an e-commerce website's purpose? Ask students to give real-world examples.

Quick Quiz:
  1. ____ audio begins playing as the server delivers the audio file to the computer or device.
  2. ____ depth is a measure of audio quality.
  3. iMovie and Adobe Premiere Pro CC are examples of ____ editing software and apps.
  4. The frame rate for web video ranges from 100 to 150 frames per second. True or False?
Critical Thinking:

Do you consider animation to add value to a website? If yes, how? If no, why not?

Quick Quiz:
  1. With animation with ____ the beginning and ending frames identify the original and final location and/or appearance of an image.
  2. Endlessly looping animations intrigue most visitors. True or False?
  3. With tweening, the image is changed manually in each frame. True or False?
  4. When creating animations, specify whether the animation should ____, or repeat
Class Discussion:

Share your experiences, if any, with web-based forms, blogging, and live chat.

Quick Quiz:
  1. 1. When creating a web-based form, you should build in the requirement that visitors must complete the form fields containing essential information before the form can be submitted. True or False?
  2. Use a(n) ____, where appropriate, to limit the number and type of characters when users enter values into a form field.
  3. ____ allows visitors to ask questions about products or services in real time.