Event | Keyboard Trigger | Mouse Trigger | Touchscreen Trigger |
blur | An element, such as a radio button, becomes inactive | | |
change | The value of an element, such as a text box, changes | | |
click | A user presses a key when an element is selected | A user clicks an element once | A user touches an element and then stops touching it |
error | An error occurs when a document or image is being loaded | | |
focus | An element, such as a command button, becomes active | | |
keydown | A user presses a key | | |
keyup | A user releases a key | | |
load | A document or image loads | | |
mouseout | | A user moves the mouse pointer off an element | A user stops touching an element |
mouseover | | A user moves the mouse pointer over an element | A user touches an element |
reset | A form’s fields are reset to its default values | | |
select | | | |
touchend | A user selects text | | |
submit | A user submits a form | | |
touchend | | | A user removes finger or stylus from the screen |
touchmove | | | A finger or stylus already touching the screen moves on the screen |
touchstart | | | A user touches a finger or stylus to the screen |
unload | | | A document unloads |