CHS Web Design Track

Rules & Expectations


Google Classroom is the place. All assignments and communication will be posted to Google Classoom. When you are absent, look there first, then ask a classomate, lastly ask Ms Miller if you are confused.

Internet Usage:

The Internet is a helpful and powerful tool in Web Design. However, all usage in this class must be teacher approved. All students must have a signed Carson City School District Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) on file before they all allowed using the computers and Internet in this class. Students that access sites not related to the project or class will lose Internet computer and/or be removed from the class.


No Food or Drink. This includes gum but not water.

No Cell or earbuds/headphones without permission.

Foul language and inappropriate behavior are not acceptable or tolerate.

Use hall pass when leaving room with permission from teacher.

Be on time! Punctuality is my biggest pet-peeve (and part of your grade). On your 3rd tardy, you will receive consequences* (and each time after that). Attendance will be taken within the first 10 minutes of class, if you are late, sign-in on the tardy form on the table by the door. Also inform Ms. Miller you have arrived in class so you can be marked tardy. It's the student's responsibility to let the teacher know your late.


Students will maintain a respectful and positive attitude toward the teacher, classmates, and equipment.

Backpacks are to be placed by the windows or up under the desks. The space between the aisles is too small to negotiate with the backpacks in the aisle.

Leave the workplace clean and orderly for the next class. Quit all applications and log out before leaving. Stay at your workplace until the bell rings. Push in your chair.

Many other classes share this computer lab. Actions that result in damage to hardware or systems will result in disciplinary action and/or implementation of a fine to cover the cost of repair. If you find anything wrong with your assigned workplace (books, software, and equipment) REPORT IT IMMEDIATELY. If you see any broken pixels on the monitor screen report it immediately .