Grading Criteria Web Design I:
- 50% Assignments/Technical Skills
The purpose of grades is to provide effective feedback to students, parents, and the school administration about a student’s progress towards mastery of the established standards. Throughout the semester, students are expected to complete formative and summative assessments. Further assessments include, but are not limited to, homework, class activities, participation, lab activities, projects, quizzes, and exams. The Carson High School grading scale will be used in this class.
YES — WE DID SOMETHING IMPORTANT WHILE YOU WERE ABSENT. It is your responsibility to check with Google Classroom (first), a classmate (second) or me (last and only if you are confused) the day you return to class to find out what you missed.
You have 4 DAYS for each day you are absent to make up missed work. After that day, any missing assignments will be accepted with a late penalty.
Any assignment you are absent for will be entered as a ZERO until it is turned in.
Late work is accepted; once the work is late, it will be accepted for 60% (D-) of the grade. Late work will be entered in Infinite Campus when I get to it. If my work is not your priority, putting it in Infinite Campus immediately is not mine. DO NOT repeatedly ask me to enter it 5 minutes after you turn it in. Turning in work ontime is a Career Readiness standard and is part of the students' grades.
To plagiarize is defined as taking ideas and writings or work of another and passing them off as one’s own. Students caught plagiarizing (both the copier and the copied) will be given a ZERO for the assignment.
Plagiarism includes...